Sunday, May 20, 2007

James Bond and Jewish dating

I don't write much. This dearth of composition is largely due to a tendency to reread what I have written, decide that I don't like it, and then delete it. I'm not sure why I am so concerned about being judged in this forum considering that (1) it is semi-anonymous and (2) I control the (as yet non-existent) comments. Therefore, my goal is to write here a frivolous post, to force myself past this (irrational) fear of judgment.

Why does James Bond get so many women (a new one every movie, lucky man)? And I do mean "get". Despite his sweet words and seductive smile, he's a serial lover and leaver. As much as I hate to admit it, I would go to dinner with James Bond. (That's it James, dinner. I'm a nice frum girl.) In an instant. He's dashing, charming, romantic. The list continues. James Bond is the encapsulation of the ultimate fantasy -- a person who gets everything right without the need for actual communication. He always knows what to wear, what to say, how to look at a woman to melt her heart.

Many observant singles (and singles of other walks of life) unrealistically cling to this image as some sort of ideal way to start (and God help us continue) a relationship. They forego early communication due to nerves, procrastination, denial...

Communication is decidely not dashing or charming or romantic. But it is necessary. In the event that I at some point marry, I imagine that marriage is not a very romantic thing either.

So Bond, as dashing as you are, it's time to give you up. And it's time to communicate, as scary as that might be.


Anonymous said...

I guess I'm weird then- I've always found it very romantic, or at least meaningful, when an SO brings up those important questions for discussion that are hardly romantic topics (where do you want to live, how many children do you want, would you be ok attending a shul of x variety, what are your thoughts on education of x type), because it means that he's thinking seriously about the relationship. I'm a sucker for it. And as for real communication in general- what better proof that someone is really putting effort into the relationship? It's when that communication stops happening that the romance also seems to dissipate, to me.

Anonymous said...

No, I must admit, marriage is not very romantic.. but it is very communal, and family based..